Attipas vs. Traditional Baby Shoes: Which Is Best for Your Little One?

Attipas Vs Traditional shoes

As your little one takes those first wobbly steps, finding the right footwear becomes a top priority for Australian parents. The choice often comes down to Attipas shoes and traditional baby shoes. Each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, and in this comprehensive comparison, we'll explore both options to help you make an informed decision for your baby or toddler as they embark on their walking journey.

Attipas Shoes: Innovation for Little Feet


  • Ergonomic Design: Attipas shoes are designed after 7 years of research and development at the Seoul University, with your baby's development in mind. Their ergonomic shape allows natural foot movement, supporting healthy foot development. The sock-like design ensures a snug yet comfortable fit.


  • Flexibility: These shoes offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing your baby's feet to move naturally. This flexibility promotes balance and helps prevent flatfoot, a common concern for parents.


  • Breathability: Attipas shoes are made from breathable microporous that realise heat and keep your baby's feet cool and sweat-free, even during those active playtime sessions.


  • Non-Slip Sole: The non-slip sole provides extra grip, reducing the risk of slips and falls as your baby explores different surfaces.


  • Safety and Testing: Attipas shoes undergo rigorous safety testing, ensuring that they are free from harmful chemicals and safe for your baby.


  • Durability: These shoes are known for their durability. They can accommodate your baby's growing feet for an extended period, making them a cost-effective choice.


  • Easy to Clean: Machine washable, Attipas shoes are a breeze to clean. Whether it's mud, food, or whatever else your little explorer manages to step in, you can quickly refresh them.



  • Limited Style Options: Attipas shoes prioritize functionality over fashion. If you're looking for a wide range of stylish and trendy designs, you may find the choices limited compared to traditional baby shoes.


  • Less Formal Occasion Options: Attipas shoes are primarily designed for everyday use and may not be the best choice for more formal or dressy occasions where traditional baby shoes may be preferred.


Traditional Baby Shoes: The Classic Choice


  • Variety of Styles: Traditional baby shoes come in a wide range of styles, from cute sneakers to tiny sandals. They can be a fashion statement and match your child's outfits.


  • Choice of Materials: Traditional baby shoes are available in various materials like leather, canvas, and fabric. Depending on your preferences, you can choose shoes that you find most appealing.


  • Additional Support: Some traditional baby shoes are designed with added support and structure, which can be beneficial for babies with specific foot conditions or walking challenges.


  • Personalisation: Traditional baby shoes offer a myriad of style options, allowing you to select shoes that align with your child's personality and wardrobe.



  • Less Flexibility: Traditional baby shoes are often less flexible than Attipas shoes. This can hinder natural foot movement and potentially affect your baby's balance and gait.


  • Breathability: Some traditional baby shoes may not be as breathable as Attipas, leading to sweaty and uncomfortable feet, especially during hot weather.


  • Safety Concerns: Not all traditional baby shoes prioritize safety. It's essential to choose brands and designs that meet safety standards and provide adequate support.


  • Costly Investment: As your baby grows, they may quickly outgrow traditional baby shoes. This can result in multiple purchases, which over time can be costly. 


Choosing the Right Footwear for Your Baby: A Summary

When deciding between Attipas shoes and traditional baby shoes, consider the following factors:

1. Comfort and Flexibility: Attipas shoes offer excellent comfort and flexibility, allowing natural foot movement.

2. Safety and Durability: Attipas shoes prioritize safety and durability, ensuring long-term use.

3. Aesthetics and Style: Traditional baby shoes offer a wide range of style options, while Attipas focuses on functionality and development.

4. Support: Some traditional baby shoes come with added support and structure, which may be suitable for specific situations.

Ultimately, the choice between Attipas and traditional baby shoes depends on your baby's specific needs, your personal preferences, and what you value most in baby footwear. Whichever you choose, ensure that the shoes are the right size, fit comfortably, and allow your baby to explore the world safely and confidently on their own two feet. By considering your baby's unique needs and your own preferences, you can make an informed choice that supports your little one as they take those monumental first steps.

Remember, every child is unique, and their footwear needs may vary. The most important thing is to ensure that the shoes you choose offer comfort, safety, and the freedom to explore the world. With the right footwear, your baby will be well on their way to becoming a confident and capable little walker.

For more great baby care tips & hacks be sure to check the Attipas blog.

If you're looking for Baby Shoes, look no further than Attipas. We deliver quality and affordable shoes Australia wide.